Moon Strike Introducing NFT Marketplace
As Moon Strike continues its development, it’s proud to announce that its NFT marketplace is in full swing. Moon Strike is a game that recently received approval to be launched via Steam and is entering into the Play to Earn arena.
Developed on the Unreal Engine, its vision has always been to have the quality of a triple-A title, with the functionality to generate, customize and sell NFTs back out to the open markets.
The developers behind Moon Strike have decided to opt-in with their own internal built-in NFT marketplace versus using an external NFT marketplace such as OpenSea. Although there may be options to sell on different marketplaces in the future quickly, the current focus is to have this internal NFT Marketplace built.
With their own NFT marketplace, they’ll be able to continue to develop on their blockchain of choice and also be able to minimize any types of issues with transactions and fees.
Additionally, with a localized NFT marketplace, there’s also increased safety and security that is easily enabled and a robust community to work with to be able to help when it comes to handling any types of NFT transactions or situations within the NFT marketplace of Moon Strike.
By also heading towards having an NFT marketplace for only Moon Strike, the NFTs themselves will be able to be at the forefront without distracting all other NFTs currently out there. This helps to foster a stronger community for the game itself and related NFTs. Additionally, since the NFTs will be entirely rendered in 3D, it’ll be a much more premium type of NFT simply from the artistic point of view.
The premium quality of the NFTs increases due to their functionality in the game itself. Additionally, since this is one of the earliest first-person shooters in this new type of mode (play to earn), many additional features, utility, and functionality will happen as the game, the NFTs, and the NFT marketplace continues to evolve.
When it comes to gamefi and NFT marketplaces, the one behind the Moon Strike game will be built in a seamless way to get users easily engaged on the open markets and then back into the game world of Moon Strike.
This will all be done without any technical know-how needed on how to transfer those NFTs from one marketplace to another, as everything will be properly synchronized with this new NFT marketplace. Just find something you like, purchase it, and you’ll be seeing it in-game immediately.
How to stay up to date
Those interested in learning more should consider following the company on Twitter to receive the latest news, the possibility of any NFT drops, and early beta access to the game.
The community for Moon Strike continues to grow, and the developers and founders behind the game take the input of this community to help shape the current status and future status of this game, the NFT marketplace and everything surrounding this fantastic project.
Official Links: — website — telegram — twitter — discord — Steam Page — youtube channel