Exploring the Future of Gaming at Helsinki’s Nordic Game Event

2 min readDec 2, 2023


The Nordic Game event in Helsinki has always been a melting pot of innovation and creativity in the gaming industry, and this year was no exception. Amidst an array of groundbreaking games and influential companies, one game, in particular, caught the eye of many: ‘Moon Strike.’ This visit offered a fascinating glimpse into what the future of gaming holds.

The showcase of ‘Moon Strike’ at Helsinki’s Nordic Game event was a testament to its potential. The event provided an excellent opportunity for attendees to witness firsthand the game’s innovative features and the vision behind it. It stood out as a highlight in a venue known for featuring some of the most forward-thinking creations in the gaming world.

As we left the Nordic Game event, it was clear that ‘Moon Strike’ had left a lasting impression. Its forward-thinking approach and commitment to delivering a unique gaming experience make it a title to watch out for. The event itself, a hub for gaming innovation, provided the perfect backdrop for unveiling a game that might well define the next generation of gaming.

For those who follow the gaming industry, both ‘Moon Strike’ and events like the one in Helsinki are essential markers of the exciting direction in which the world of gaming is heading.

Official Links:

https://moonstrike.io — Website

https://twitter.com/moonstrikenft — Twitter

https://discord.gg/moonstrike — Discord

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1938560/Moon_Strike__Prologue/ — Steam Page

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCLDCc3P60N-PpuXvjvGvug — Youtube channel

https://bscscan.com/token/0x003e2B4FB968461607A9Db02482B76846591abE0 — Token Contract




MoonStrike — Upcoming Web3.0 Multiplayer with shooter and development of the base on Unreal Engine AAA quality